Give Your Biz a Bang

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Give Your Biz a Bang

Arriving February 15th

The ultimate guide for putting your foot in the door and not in your mouth

Life’s A Pitch: How to Win What You Want in Business and in Life, is a masterclass in business, branding, public relations, marketing, and the art of persuasion.  With her unique blend of wit, wisdom, and real-world experience, Margot Black offers readers invaluable insights and practical tips for achieving success in all aspects of life.

Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out, Life’s A Pitch is an essential read for anyone looking to make their mark in the world and give their business a big bang.

Hey there, fellow goal digger!

If you’re anything like me, you’ve got a lovely, long list of what you want to squeeze out of this luscious, juicy fruit of a life we’ve got. Whether you’re trying to sell your latest invention, slide into a promotion (or slide into someone’s DM’s—Iook at me using such hip lingo here making my teen cringe), or just convince your kids to eat their vegetables, it all comes down to a persuasive pitch and telling a damn good story. And the quicker you get to the point, the better. Sure, we all want our 15 minutes of fame, but how are you going to get it in a world where people have a 9 second attention span that is shorter than a goldfish?*

That’s why I wrote this book, Life’s A Pitch: How to Win What You Want in Business and in Life.

I’ve been around the world and around the water cooler and I’ve learned a thing or two about standing out in a crowded marketplace. And let me tell you, it’s not about being the loudest or the flashiest. It’s about knowing (and liking) your audience (and their problems), getting creative, and having a killer elevator pitch at the ready (you never know who you’ll run into or how you’ll connect with them).

I’ll teach you the tricks of the trade that have kept me on top of the publicity and marketing game for years. You’ll learn how to craft the perfect pitch, charm the toughest of critics, and nail that media appearance like a boss. Whether you’re aiming at a promotion, a reinvention, or a revolution, I’ll point you in the right direction. So, buckle up, my beautiful buttercup, let’s turn those dreams into reality—after all, life’s a pitch, and I’m here to make sure you’re the one winning the game.

Margot Black

*Ok, I did some digging, there really isn’t any scientific-y evidence that goldfish have 9 second attention spans (seems it was a stat made up in marketing). I personally have never had the opportunity to chat up a goldfish to confirm the theory, however, I have had many conversations with people who can’t focus, and I know you have too. Hence, here we are. Also, now I know you’re the type of person who follows footnotes and I think I love you.

Margot’s book is like talking to a friend—a funny, smart, successful friend who truly wants to share her vast knowledge of how to sell in order to make all your business dreams come true! 52% of consumers are women, but most business books are written by men, which means anyone who wants to learn about selling and winning is only getting half the story.

If you want to learn how to sell to everyone in today’s quickly changing media and social media landscape, make Margot your guru! I love this book!

Cathryn Michon, co-screenwriter, A Dog’s Purpose

“This book is a winning formula, and I know Margot Black and Black Ink PR like helping their clients win. In all the years that I have retained PR representation, Margot Black has without a doubt been the most successful for my company.

Her enthusiasm, attention to detail, and overall determination to succeed is a winning formula which has led to remarkable results. Readers will reap rewards from this book.”

Julian Harrison, CEO/owner of Premier Tours

“In this world of artificial intelligence and social media, you might think you don’t need the decades-long experience of a PR maven like Margot Black, but you would be sorely mistaken. In her latest book, Life’s a Pitch: How to Win in What You Want in Business and in Life, Black weaves her quick wit, storytelling, research, and in-the-trenches expertise in pitching her own and her clients’ work.

With her experience in a variety of arenas, she gives us the tools to promote our brands and missions in ways that stand out from the crowd. Packed with lively illustrations and graphics, the book grabs you from its opening pages and keeps you entertained (and newly schooled) along the way.”

Cassandra Lane, author, We Are Bridges (A Memoir), winner of the Louise Meriwether First Book Prize

“As a television producer, I can attest to this book being supremely relevant right now. Get to the point and get there quickly.

If you want people to pay attention, you’ve got seconds to do it. In her book, Life’s a Pitch, Margot Black shows you how to put the odds in your favor.”

Michael Mazzella, Emmy-nominated TV producer

“At Monarch Camps, partnering with Black Ink PR and Margot Black has been a game-changer for our business. Entrusting them with our social media, customer service, and marketing has proven invaluable. Their expertise has elevated our visibility, boosted sales, and modernized our marketing strategies.

Black Ink PR understands the voice of our clients and knows precisely how to reach them, making them an indispensable asset to our success. Everything Margot Black lays out in her book, Life’s a Pitch, has worked quite well for us. She lives and breathes it—as does her company. Highly recommended!”

Paul Magallanes, executive director, Monarch Camps

“I’ve worked with Margot for many years, and I have always been impressed by her amazing ability to conceptualize and execute an entire campaign with full-force creativity and professionalism.

She’s a big picture thinker, yet possesses a thorough attention to detail. This book breaks down her process in a relatable, clear, entertaining way, so the reader can immediately improve their marketing game.”

Lash Fary, CEO/founder of Distinctive Assets and Gift Guru

“As a female CEO, I was always more comfortable in the backroom, but Margot helped me blossom and hone my pitches, so much so that I’ve secured TV appearances on Bloomberg TV and CNBC!

Her straightforward, easy to understand approach to PR and marketing always considers the end recipient, therefore making one’s pitch more salient and powerful. For those wanting to leapfrog life, Margot’s wisdom will take you there.”

Quynh Mai, CEO/founder of Qulture

“Life’s a Pitch isn’t just a book; it’s my new business bible. PR guru Margot Black has created a super practical and easy-to-digest guide that has become an indispensable tool in my life as an author, entrepreneur, and designer.

Black’s insights have given me the confidence to navigate and create opportunities, while also being prepared to seize those unexpected moments that can shape success. With Life’s a Pitch, not only is my presentation pitch-perfect, but I now possess the knowledge to seal the deal with finesse.”

Jennnifer Lehr, author of ParentSpeak and founder of Oxford House Projects

“Margot Black calls it like it is—visuals count—and in business, that equates directly to success. We all pretend that we aren’t being judged, but the reality is that consciously or subconsciously, it’s best to acknowledge the circumstances and learn to work it to your advantage.

Life’s a Pitch will help you show up in your business with style, class, and consistency.”

Eric Himel, celebrity style expert, founder of

“Margot Black’s new book, Life’s a Pitch, is as eye-popping and fun to look at as it is filled with information that everyone who reads it will find useful. While Black learned what she knows in the arena of public relations, her wisdom is applicable in every area of life. Whether your goal is to find a loving partner, get a fabulous job, or to boost your business, her advice is spot-on for helping you achieve your dreams.

Her perception and intelligence combined with colorful visuals and exercises you can use to get ready for your big pitch create the perfect formula for great reading and success with any endeavor.”

Glenda Winders, novelist, Sainted in Error and The Nine Assignments

“Margot Black created a tool box of ideas that sets you up for success in your work and personal life.

She lays the train tracks and you just need ride on them, let her guide you straight to where you want to go.”

Jason Stuart, actor, comedian, producer

“High-energy, colorful, fun, and visual, Margot Black’s Life’s A Pitch is the only book you need to successfully sell in today’s fast-paced, ever-evolving business world.

Packed with everything you need, this comprehensive guide holds the readers attention and actually inspires excitement around selling—even for people who hate to sell! That’s no easy feat! A serious business tome disguised as a comic book, Life’s A Pitch is sure to propel your business, career & life to the next level.”

Danette Kubanda, multiple Emmy-winning TV producer, and media & publicity coach

“I’m happy to endorse Margot Black as an outstanding PR professional and very clever wordsmith! Margot understands business and quickly creates the best angles and media contacts for gaining visibility.

She translates marketing your business into providing valuable services and generating revenue. Margot knows her craft, and in her book, she shares all the secrets to make your business something special in the eyes of your audience!”

Betsy Berkhemer-Credaire, CEO of Berkhemer Clayton Retained Executive Search, president of 50/50 Women on Boards, and author of Winning the Board Game books

“Margot Black has done it again with a book that is both entertaining and informative.

This book is like a roadmap showing how to get your message out there. Life’s A Pitch is a book that has inspired me and given me more tools on how to advance my career. Thanks Margot!””

Christine Blackburn, Story Worthy podcast producer, creator, and comedian